Friday, 29 January 2010

Photographs taken on Thursday 28th. January

For the last week there has been a Great Grey Shrike at the Welsh Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran. This is the best photograph I have managed of it so far. It is a fairly distant shot as it has a habit of perching on the talest trees so sees me coming from a long way and flies off when I approach too closely.

This was taken with my 500mm lens x1.4 converter,ISO800, f8at 1/320sec.

In addition there have been several reports of a bittern been seen from the Kingfisher hide. Again after several hours of no sightings the one sighting that I had was when the light was very poor.

Again taken with 500mm lens x1.4 converter, ISO800 f8 at 1/40sec!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Photograph taken on 6th. January

This fieldfare was one of two attracted to our front lawn by the snow - and the apples! Photograph taken with Canon 500mm lens f8 @ 640sec.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Photograph from 5th. January

OK it is not a bird but I wanted to show it anyway!

Photograph taken from our back garden to the field behind - notice that there is snow on the ground. If you look closely you will notice that the fox has a 'film' over his right eye.

ISO400 500mm lens with 1.4 x, f8 @ 1/1600sec.

Photograph from 1st. January

Trying to catch up with the photographs I have taken. My New Year resolution to keep a blog of my bird photographs. Here is the first one - taken at Gwbert. It is of a turnstone. My photographic equipment when taking birds is: Canon EOS 50D camera with Canon 500mm IS F4 lens. For this photograph I added a 1:1.4 converter as well.
The photograph was taken at ISO400 f8 @ 1/1250sec.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

My first blog

I intend to us this blog to keep a diary of my latest photographs.